Thursday 4 July 2013

Mistakes people do when confronted with Shoulder dystocia

When confronted with shoulder dystocia, doctors and midwives do all sorts of mistakes. This is a situation where split second accurate decisions are required. These correct or incorrect decisions do account for the final clinical outcome.

  1. 1. The common mistake done is the belief that, just pulling the baby's head will effect the shoulder delivery. This is totally wrong.
  2.  Sinking feeling in the heart of the acoucher.
  3.  Not knowing which maneuver to do first. In the end, not doing any one maneuver properly.
  4.  Some health professionals also feel that they are going to loose the job whilst all of this is going on
  5. It does not matter, which maneuver you select to do first, whatver you do, do it correctly.
  6. write what time the head was born and what time the baby's body was born
  7. Which way baby was facing when the head came out
  8. Estimate the blood loss correctly by weighing the swabs, and do not do eyeball estimation of blood loss.
  9.  Rule out third and fourth degree tears.
  10.  Debrief the mother to say how badly your shoulders and arms are hurting to get the baby's shoulders out safely.

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